SpamUsNow com is now open

Released on = April 11, 2007, 12:00 am

Press Release Author = Jim Weiss President of Spam Us Now

Industry =

Press Release Summary = Have You ever wondered just how much spam others receive?
Well so have we, that\'s why we created Spam Us Now.

Press Release Body = We have put together a listing of the top spam related
categories and we are asking you to cut and paste all the Spam you receive into the
correct Spam categories.

Post your Spam in the appropriate category - Add A Comment!

Please include who sent the Spam. We hope that buy doing so we can help do our part
to eliminate Spam once and for all!

Everytime we receive 1 million new Spam items on our Spam Us Now Blog, we will give
away 1 case of Hormel Spam.

If you wish to be entered into the Free Case of Hormel Spam Contest, just send an
email with your name and address to:

What are you waiting for SPAM US NOW!!!

Web Site =

Contact Details = Henderson, NV

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